Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Modern Role Models

A while ago I was having a conversation at dinner with my family and my parents asked us who our role models were.  My brother and sisters and I had a difficult time coming up with any one specific example.  My parents were shocked.  They brought up that when they were younger they could name specific people who they wanted to be.  My dad mentioned that his role models had included Bruce Springsteen and the president while my mom mentioned singers and movie stars.  After hearing that it was my turn to be surprised.  It was hard for me to imagine wanting to be like a celebrity and I tried to figure out why.

I came to the conclusion that because of our intimate view into the lives of all different types of celebrities we are less likely to want to emulate the individual.  Where as my mom was able to look up to movie stars because she mainly saw them only in the best light- mainly through the films- we are constantly exposed to the most dramatic and worst aspects of the star's lives.  
Also my dad says that when he was younger it was very taboo to directly question the current president.  While there was a focus on debating the issues, it was rare to contradict the president and to not see him as something more than the average citizen.  
How has the use and perception of role models changed? Is this a positive change? Who, if there are any, are examples of model role models?

1 comment:

  1. I really like the images you chose, Anna! They emphasize how far the privacy of celebrities is invaded today. I think that you images also show that the media today seems to look for the bad sides of celebrities (notice how there are really only negative views into their lives displayed on the covers) to show to the rest of the world. So even if a celebrity could be an adequate role model, perhaps even a good one, I think the media would find something negative about them and amplify that aspect until it is worthy of drawing people into the magazine.
