Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Junior Theme #3

As we continue to work on our junior themes I am feeling confident and stressed at the same time.  Friday in class I finally put to paper what my research had culminated in.  I got to four major points as an answer to my WHY question and I realized I had a lot more than I originally thought.  This not only got me organized for the upcoming writing of my paper but also boosted my confidence level.  Before I did this I was stressing that no matter how much research I did, I wouldn't be able to fit it into a coherent paper that could successfully answer my WHY question.  Now I have gotten it down and feel I am ready and prep-ed to move forward. 
At the same time, like many others in the class, I am struggling to manage the stress of the end of junior year.  While it hasn't been as bad as some of my friends, the culmination of sports, schoolwork and college prep work I understand while seniors call junior year hell.  For all of those who are feeling like I am right now, here is a link to a sleepcalculator website (just so we can try to be well rested for the 9 weeks left of school).  So, while I am confident in my paper so far, I cannot wait for junior theme to be turned in and done with!

Monday, April 11, 2011

"The Greatest Movie Ever Sold"

Today I saw the movie trailer for a new film coming out called The Greatest Movie Ever Sold.  It is a documentary film by the director of Super Size me that focuses completely on product placement.  A concept we have been talking a lot about in class, product placement is the advertisement of products in a media source usually devoid of advertisements.  It is most commonly used in television shows, movies and music videos.  The film The Greatest Movie Ever Sold takes a head on approach to product placement.  It is a movie that documents the logistics of product placement, but is 100% funded by the products themselves.

The part that stood out to me the most was at 1:42 in the trailer when the man he was interviewing says that people deserved to be warned about the products that were being advertised.  And immediately in the film pop-ups start forming about which brands were being displayed.   And I was shocked to see that I was completely unaware of what I was being shown as advertisement.  Although the things listed were not directly being drawn notice to in the original shot, we were still being exposed to the products.
Do you agree with the man who said that we deserve to be notified when we are exposed to product placement?  Or, does product placement lose its affect when people are told of its presence?